RocketTrain™ Tunnel Kuwait City to Abu Dhabi/Dubai
Jan worked with RocketTrain™ to balance subterranean tunnels with seabed manufactured clear Xycotive™ “glass” tunnels. Where the ocean allowed, Jan balanced spectacular sightseeing for transit passengers with long flat runs that maximize freight efficiency. Where undersea mountains made Xycotive™ track improbable, Jan used his long history of subterranean tunnel creation to go through or sometimes below the mountains. “Route drawing is an art of humanity and efficiency.”
Some of the most challenging map making and route selection was found in the inland bay near Ganadha where the train splits, going North to Dubai and South to Abu Dhabi. This area is 92 km North of Abu Dhabi and 92 km South of Dubai and hosts the largest agricultural development in Center earth. The Algorithm contracted with Weathersphere™ to bring consistent water to the region in a 100 year project.
The Ganadha region is synonymous with Flash Flooding as the steep canyons that allow entrance to the area from the Persian Gulf waters funnel water to heights of 100 feet or more. A Tsunami in this region could cause water flow “faster than an airplane and taller than the tallest building.”
The route Jan chose heading North to Abu Dhabi minimizes the impact of flash flooding with a spectacular bridge across “Two Fingers Bay” that “only a tsunami could touch!” Luckily there are plenty of warnings pre-tsunami and train travel can be adjusted if the most extreme conditions arose in the Persian Gulf.

Palace of Local Splendor
Jan has worked with many of the most influential business and government leaders to expand their own private properties with extensive subterranean living areas. Jan’s company has the ability to map subterranean areas using automated “dig-bots”, and provide detailed plans that include all of the possible environmental conditions and concerns. He guarantees the structural integrity of his subterranean designs and architectural drawings so wealthy clients can move forward confidently with construction.
The Palace of Local Splendor offered many unique challenges. “With an unlimited budget came unlimited expectations I wanted to meet.” One of the unique projects the Place included was a “swim portal” which created an “upside down swimming pool experience.” Instead of diving in from above the pool, swimmers enter from the bottom of the seabed below the Palace and swim in an underwater private paradise. With existing breathable suit technology, guests and residents can float and swim almost indefinitely in the tranquil and spectacular underwater paradise.

Underground 12
Ganadha CE