
Jan Ray045090 the person

Jan’s subterranean studio is located in Ganadha near the region he has studied and mapped for much of his life. In partnership with The Algorithm he has created detailed subterranean maps including land suitability for agriculture given levels of increased rainfall, underground aqua systems, underground tunnels, below seabed water caverns, canyon flash flood risk assessment, and hundreds more.

His attention to detail and exacting results have earned him the .world’s largest projects. Indeed, his largest project to date was the Kuwait City to Abu Dhabi/Dubai 1,000 km underwater tunnel. A key piece of this project was crossing Two Fingers Bay after the train separates from the North bound section and heads South to Abu Dhabi.

Jan provided the ideal location for the crossing based on proprietary deep soil testing and rock-slide mapping. The spot he chose offers the highest levels of stability given the shifting and sometimes unstable mountainous terrain. Flash flooding over centuries has created irregular geological formations, which before Jan Ray045090, were extremely difficult to predict.

This high-altitude region is almost inaccessible, and again Jan was able to map a custom route for construction equipment to get to the site, and operate.  Jan also mapped an undersea tunnel, with the addition of a seabed-pressurized, hatch access module, allowed construction crews outfitted with Breathable Work Suits to build the bridges main foundation without having to traverse the shifting currents of two bays, and dive hundreds of feet underwater. They simply accessed the work site from below, adding up to 4 hours of additional work time per worker, per day.

Jan hopes to engage in the .worlds largest projects until he retires to his adopted home of Ganadha.


Underground 12 
Ganadha CE
